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Writer's picturePenny Boyle

Is Your Skincare Making You Sick?


One benefit most people want in their skincare is hydration.  They want skin that looks plump and radiant – in other words, skin that looks younger. 

The way most skincare products, from soaps to bath soaks to face serums, achieve this objective is through the use of oils.  Obviously, some oils have amazing skincare benefits and absolutely belong in the skincare space.  The problem lies in which oils are being used, and how those oils are processed. 

At Yahwehs Naturals, we strive to offer the benefits our customers have come to expect, while staying away from certain oils, specifically “seed oils” that we believe have a detrimental effect on your skin and your health.  We’ll discuss why these oils are not used in our skincare products, and why you should you avoid them in your food intake as well.  First, let’s take a look at how these oils are processed before appearing on store shelves and in your skincare and food. 

Vegetable oils.

A very common oil that is used in modern day cooking, and often found as an ingredient in skincare, is vegetable oil – also referred to as canola oil.  This seemingly innocent oil is anything but.  It was originally developed as a lubricant for naval machinery during World War II and comes from the rapeseed plant.  It is highly refined and therein lies the problem. 

During the refining from plant to oil, “Canola” becomes very thick and gummy.  In order to “degum” the oil, it is mixed with Hexane.  Hexane is a solvent that has been shown to cause permanent nerve damage in feet, legs, hands and arms according to an article from “”.  It is often used in paints, lacquer, glue and in the printing and rubber industries.  Do you want that in your food or on your skin? 

But wait, there’s more!  As the Hexane is added, the oil is then heated to 405 degrees, which turns the oil rancid.  Obviously, the oil cannot be sold that way, so it has to be deodorized.  Typically, Sodium Hydroxide, a known carcinogen, is used to remove any odors from the rancidity.  Finally, the oil has to be made clear so that it looks good on the shelf; enter the use of Chlorine, which is used as a bleaching agent. 

Skin care products.

Chances are, you wouldn’t knowingly choose to apply toxic chemicals or fuel derivatives to your body.  After all, our skin is the largest, fastest growing organ we have.  It only makes sense that we would take every measure to protect it. 

Seed oils are in the family of polyunsaturated fats (also known as PUFA’s).  Use of PUFA’s on your skin can have many detrimental effects: 

* Oxidation 

When oxidation occurs, free radicals can develop, which can lead to all types of cancer.  PUFA’s are very vulnerable to temperature, even body temperature. 

* Overdrying 

While this seems counter to the desired effect of the oils, these oils can cause a drying effect that can lead to premature aging. 

* Cell Damage 

PUFA’s are also vulnerable to oxygen and light.  When applied to skin, the exposure can lead to cell damage. 

A field of flowers.

Many people look at the ingredient lists on their foods or skincare and see oils they consider healthy, not realizing the dangers.  After all, a sunflower appears healthy, right?  The problem, again, lies in how these oils are derived and refined from the seeds, and another component that many think is safe: linoleic acid. 

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the importance of Omega fatty acids.  It is important, however, to understand the difference between Omega 3 fatty acids (good for you) and Omega 6 fatty acids (not so much).  Omega 6 (linoleic acid) in your cell’s mitochondria can also lead to oxidation, which we’ve already discussed. 

So, now that we know why certain “seed oils” should not be consumed or applied to our skin, what specifically should we avoid?  You will want to AVOID the following: 

Grapeseed Oil 

Palm Oil 

Safflower Oil 

Sunflower Oil 

Canola Oil 

“Vegetable” Oil 

During my research for this article, I found palm oil on the ingredient list of many soaps (including "natural" soaps), as well as a certain famous "beauty bar". I also found grapeseed oil in a famous anti-aging serum, as well as safflower in face and body serums, and sunflower in bath soak formulas, shower steamers, and bath bombs.

A woman checking the label on the back of groceries.

Now, more than ever, it is important to take your health into your own hands.  Read labels before you make a purchase of any food or skincare product.  Remember, ingredients applied to the skin can eventually make their way into your bloodstream.  If you shouldn’t eat it, you shouldn’t wear it on your skin either. 

Finally, what oils are safe to use or consume?  When it comes to skincare, we use organically sourced Jojoba, Argan, Aloe, Vitamin E, Sweet Almond, and Rosehip oils.  We also use organic, unrefined and unbleached Cocoa and Shea butters.  In our soaps, we use organic, cold-pressed olive oil, organic coconut oil, and organic avocado oils.  Although we don’t use tallow, it is a safe ingredient in skincare, and has many benefits. 

When it comes to your kitchen, you can safely consume the type of olive, coconut and avocado oils we use.  You can also use ghee and grass-fed butter for cooking.  Always read your labels, especially for processed snack foods, dressings, etc.  You’ll be amazed at how many seed oils are lurking in those products. 

At Yahwehs Naturals, we are committed to using not only safe and natural ingredients, but being transparent and offering educational resources to help you make the best possible decisions for yourself and your family.  Visit us at for your skincare and home-essentials needs and be sure to visit our Health and Knowledge page for further information on our products. 

Safe, effective, natural skincare the way God intended – that's Yahwehs Naturals. 

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